In SDN, forwarding devices can only operate correctly while connected to a logically centralized controller. To avoid single-point-of-failure, controller architectures are usually implemented as distributed systems. In this context, recent literature identified fundamental issues, such as device isolation and controller overload, and proposed controller placement strategies to tackle them. However, current proposals have crucial limitations: (i) device-controller connectivity is modeled using single paths, yet in practice multiple concurrent connections may occur; (ii) peaks in the arrival of new flows are only handled on-demand, assuming that the network itself can sustain high request rates; and (iii) failover mechanisms require predefined information, which, in turn, has been overlooked. This paper proposes Survivor, a controller placement strategy that addresses these challenges. The strategy explicitly considers path diversity, capacity, and failover mechanisms at network design. Comparisons to the state-of-the-art on survivable controller placement show that Survivor is superior because (a) path diversity increases the survivability significantly; and (b) capacity-awareness is essential to handle overload during both normal and failover states.